Friday, September 13, 2013


Graffiti  (singular: graffito; the plural is used as a mass noun)  is the name for images or letting scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on property.  Graffiti is any type of public markings that may appear in many forms, from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings.

Preview:  What do you know about graffiti, or street art?  Is it common in your hometown?

  • What were some of the risks these artists faced? (simple past or past progressive?)  
  • Should all the artists receive the same treatment by the police?  Explain your answer.
  • How would you react if the external walls of your home were painted with graffiti without your consent?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Art by Frida Kahlo

Look at the pictures and answer the questions based on what you already know about Frida Kahlo's life.  Pay special attention to whether you should be using simple past or past progressive.  Then watch the video to check if your answers were correct.

What event inspired Kahlo to create this painting?  What was she feeling before/while she painted it?

Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair

The Broken Column

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Microsoft Word Practice

Copy and paste the statements below into a Word document. Change the font size to 12pt. Follow the directions. 

1. Bold this line of text.

2. Underline this line of text.
3. Align this line on the right side of the page.
4. Change this line to italics.
5. Change this line to 24pt.
6. Cut this line and paste it at the end of the list.
7. Change this line to Verdana font.
8. Center this line.
9. Copy and paste this line three times.
10. Make this line Bold and 16pt.
11. Center and underline this line.
12. Change this line to Arial font in italics.
13. Make this line Comic Sans font, 18pt, Bold and underlined.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Punctuation Practice

Picture yourself in the situations described below. Write a sentence in response to each situation. Use the correct end mark for each sentence. Type your answers in the comment box below.

  1. You see a child whose shoes are not tied.
  2. You need directions to the closest convenience store.
  3. You have just seen a really dull movie.
  4. You need to warn someone who is crossing a street that a car is coming.
  5. A friend has just shown you photos of her new baby.
  6. You need to tell an interviewer your birthdate.
  7. You would like to ask a friend to join you for dinner. 
  8. You want your son to clean his room.
  9. You are telling someone where you went on your last vacation.
  10. You see a robbery taking place.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Welcome to Advanced ELL!

This space is just for you and your classmates. Post comments, questions, or activities below!